

23.10.13 09:28

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在运输对温度敏感的药品时, shippers are increasingly considering 海洋 freight as an alternative to air transportation because of its perceived cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness. 然而,现实可能会让你大吃一惊.

自Covid-19大流行以来, we have seen businesses in all industries adapt their ways of working to remain profitable - and the pharmaceutical industry is no different. Shippers are increasingly enquiring about alternative transport options, 比如海运, to reduce the impact of freight costs on their bottom line even with air cargo rates falling.

But can 海洋 freight be regarded as a transportation method that can match air freight on equal terms? 有些人认为海运成本较低, 更可靠的, 而且比空运更环保. 然而, in reality the opposite might be just as true – 海洋 freight can be unpredictable, 昂贵的, 和肮脏的, as evidenced by the recent regulatory changes implemented in January 2023. Here is what you need to know about 海洋 freight to make the right choice of transportation for your temperature sensitive pharmaceuticals.


比如空运, 由于一系列原因,海运可能会延误, 其实和空运的原因一样——恶劣的天气条件, 罢工, 港口交通堵塞, 劳工罢工和海关延误. 航班通常会准时起飞,以防延误, shipments can be rerouted or rescheduled to a later flight most commonly the same day. When it comes to 海洋 freight, delays are often counted in terms of days, not hours. Recent data shows that while congestion at major ports is slowly reducing, 水平尚未恢复到大流行前的水平.

Recent data shows that while congestion at major ports is slowly reducing, 水平尚未恢复到大流行前的水平

All aspects taken together; air freight is usually regarded as 更可靠的 than 海洋 freight. Whether the best choice is 海洋 or air depends on the risk profile of the product. 对温度敏感的药品, shipping by air freight in an active temperature-controlled solution is by far the safer alternative. It is hard to achieve any kind of quality innovation or quality improvement by choosing 海洋 freight for the increasing volumes of new, 专业, and sensitive products such as biologicals or biosimilars that are entering the market. For more mature products that are less sensitive it could be an option, 这取决于不同选择的成本. A total cost analysis could give an indication if it is worth the risk of transporting the products by 海洋.


在直接比较空运和海运时, 空运排放更多的二氧化碳,这很容易说. 然而,现实情况要复杂得多.

Pharmaceutical manufacturer Sanofi has previously calculated that upstream and downstream transportation constitutes 6.7% of the company’s total emissions of greenhouse gases and Sanofi’s own vehicle fleet for another 1.4%——许多其他制造商也有类似的情况. As current transportation volumes only make up such a small part of the total carbon emissions of the value chain of a pharmaceutical, it becomes clear that the most environmentally friendly option is to ensure a speedy and safe delivery of the products. 同样的, should the products become damaged during transport and become unusable, carbon emissions will increase exponentially as the products have to be discarded and a new shipment manufactured and sent. 对于敏感药物, shipping by air freight in an active temperature-controlled solution is therefore the most environmentally friendly choice as it is the safest alternative.

由于许多温度敏感全球十大赌钱软件app的保质期很短, shipping by 海洋 becomes an additional challenge as this can be shortened substantially due to potentially weeks of transport. This means that 保质期 should always be a major factor in deciding the best transportation method. 纵观全局, 适用于保质期短的敏感药品和/或全球十大赌钱软件app, 在有效温度控制的解决方案中空运可以, 实际上碳足迹最小.

全球十大赌钱软件app是否在运输过程中损坏而无法使用, CO2 emissions will increase exponentially as the products have to be discarded and a new shipment manufactured and sent

New regulations targeting the efficiency and carbon emissions of ships came into effect on January 1, 2023. These regulations have introduced mandatory reductions in carbon emissions for both new and existing ships and will be the next chapter in the green transformation of international shipping.

但与更环保的航空运输类似,这些变化是有代价的. Ship owners and operators will need to make investments into more energy-efficient measures and technologies to comply with these new requirements. 它们的运营也可能面临新的限制, 比如限制速度或使用旧船.


通常,海运比空运便宜. 然而,对于较小的货物,空运可能会更便宜. 为了进行彻底的比较, a total cost analysis should be made for all costs involved for each alternative and compared. There are different measurements for calculating the cost for each transport mode – air, 海洋, 和道路. 因为飞机的空间有限, 货物将根据航空运输的特定公式定价. 对于公路和海洋,公式看起来不同.

你还必须考虑资金成本. 如前所述, long 海洋 transports are not suitable for products with a short 保质期, 特别是海运更容易延误. A product with four months’ 保质期 that is being stuck for weeks on a cargo ship will not be so attractive for pharmacies to stock. 除了, 漫长的运输将推迟销售, 从而约束了可以用于其他用途的资本. 因此, whether 海洋 or air is the better choice depends on many factors – the risk profile of the product, 保质期, 仓库 at the airport/seaport and cost of goods (capital bound up in transport) among other things.

The right choice depends on many factors – the risk profile of the product, 保质期, 仓库, 还有商品成本等等.


The choice between air and 海洋 freight is often more complicated than one might think. Transporting pharmaceuticals is always a balance between cost and quality. 对于成本,总成本分析可以提供更多的见解. 最具成本效益的交通选择, 也是最环保的, 确保全球十大赌钱软件app按时完整交付.